2012 Events

IODAI 2012 Events

Click here for a list of events.

The Events Claendar for 2012 has now been finalised and published.
It is available in Google Calendar & Excel Spread sheet Format below

General Information

IODAI run four regional championships consisting of 2 day events in each of the provences these are normally held in May & June of each year.
A special event for silver fleet sailors called the Crosbie Cup is held in July of each year.
Our main event of the year the National Championships was extended to five days in 2010 and is normally held in August of each year.
The season concludes with an End of Season event.

Attendance at two of the regional events and the National Championship is necessary in order to gain a ranking. For full details of the ranking system please Click Here.

IODAI hold a five day spring training event during the February mid-term break in 2011 it was held in Baltimore Co. Cork and will hold a new end of season event in Killaloe Co. Clare at the October midterm break details in the IODAI training section.
IODAI members will also be emailed a reminder coming up to an event.

Details of this years event’s are in the calendar below.

2012 Events calendar

Should you wish to add open events from your club or and other national or international events please email [email protected] to have them added in.

All IODAI Events must be entered Online.

If you are an existing IODAI member you will have received a username and password from us via email. So please check your mail.

If you are a new member (and we are delighted to welcome you !)  please click on the relevent link below.

Existing members Click Here

New Members Click Here

Should you experience difficulties using sailracer and are unable to enter and pay for an event please email Michael McCann [email protected]


Accomodation deal for the Ulster Championships

Culloden Hotel a 5 min walk from Royal North Yacht Club

would be accommodated on a rollaway bed) NORMAL RATE WOULD BE £160

Should anyone wish to book, this can be made by contacting Danielle
– her email is [email protected]
Her contact number is 02890 393007

Non-IODAI Events

Malahide Yacht Club’s New and Improved Dinghy club at Broadmeadows

Some dates for your already crammed diaries. If you’d like to get in some pre-season racing there are some great events being planned. They are listed below in date order.

Malahide Yacht Club Early Bird Regatta

Malahide Yacht Club is delighted to invite you to our Early Bird Regatta on Saturday 31 March. With our new clubhouse we are looking forward to seeing lots of optimist sailors
and parents!

There will be 3 races back to back and first gun is at 11am.

Further details to follow and also on www.myc.ie


 Howth Yacht Clubs Brassed – Off Cup

On Good Friday the 6th of April. For those who are Brassed-off because they didn’t go toBraassemermeer Howth Yacht Club will hold an oppie only event with lots and lots of Easter Eggs !

Further details to follow and also on www.hyc.ie

Howth Yacht Clubs Vice-Presidents Trophy

The Vice-Presidents Trophy will be held in Howth Yacht club on the 15th of June (The day before the Leinsters). This is a team racing invitational event and is good practise for those who will attend either the Worlds, Europeans, or the Volvo Ocean race as all will have team racing elements.  

Further details to follow and also on www.hyc.ie


Non-IODAI International Events

Click here for full details


Our Sponsors


Annual Membership


Annual Membership for 2025 is now open at €75 per sailor.  Click account page to join or renew.