2017 Teams Announcement

IODAI and ISA support and assist a number of Optimist teams every year in attending international events, these events have included the Optimist Worlds and Optimist Europeans. After a considerable review and discussion IODAI and ISA recommend that the top Optimist sailors following Trials 2017 represent Ireland at the Optimist Europeans.

After qualification in Trials, the following teams will be supported by IODAI & ISA attending international events in 2017:

  • Europeans, a team of 7 (Gender Rules Apply)
  • IDT France, a team of 7 ( Gender Rules Apply)
  • IDT Poland, a team of 7
  • Under 12’s Squad UK Nationals

Any sailor out of the top 8 (up to a maximum of 5 sailors) at Trials may choose to go to Worlds. IODAI will enter all participating sailors to the Worlds however, Parents will be invoiced with the costs. No other IODAI support will be given to the sailor attending Worlds . No sailor can do both Worlds and Europeans.

When accepting a place on a team sailors’ parents must pay in full on the day. IODAI will provide our Bank Account details on the notice of race for anyone who wishes to pay by ETF.

Please note that 25% of the full payment is non-refundable.


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Annual Membership


Annual Membership for 2025 is now open at €75 per sailor.  Click account page to join or renew.