2020 Teams & Squads update at Nationals

Despite these unprecedented times IODAI will identify five teams based on overall National results. These achievements will allow sailors to recognise their progress in line with previous years.

“Team selection” will be made from sailors 1 to 80, regardless of Senior or Junior Fleets, in line with a trials format from previous years, due to Trials being cancelled in April 2020.

The Worlds Team.
Shall consist of the first five overall finishers from Nationals 2020.

The European Team
Shall consist of the next seven finishers, comprising of a maximum of 4 being of the same gender.

Irish Development Team (IDT)
After the Worlds and European teams have been filled, the IDT team shall consist of seven sailors, from the next overall finishes, who have not been placed on a team above, comprising of a maximum of five sailors of a single gender.
Eligible sailors shall not have been part of IDT1 in any previous year, but shall be available to former IDT2 team members.*

  • in previous years two IDT teams were selected.

Under 12 Squad (U12)
Shall consist of the top 12 Junior sailors remaining under 12 for 2021 season, from Nationals results.
Eligible sailors can also hold a position on any of the other teams above.

IODAI Development Squad
Shall consist of the top 15 sailors from the Junior finishers at Nationals, not part of the U12 Squad above.
Eligible sailors include Senior and Junior sailors for the 2021 season,
5 additional places will be reserved for other IODAI sailors and allocated in line with a Wild Card system.

In the event of a sailor being unable to compete in a number of races, an IODAI appointed committee (the ‘Selection & Placing Review Committee (“SPRC”)) may, at their discretion, award him/her (a) average points for those races or (b) a place on a team. The SPRC will be chaired by a director of IODAI or a suitably independent and qualified person, and will consist of the chairman and two IODAI Committee members whose sailor(s) must not be effected by any decision reached.  It should be emphasised that this action will only be taken in regard to a sailor who, in the opinion of the SPRC, would have been one of the top performing sailors in the Event, as clearly demonstrated by their performance in the races in which they sailed. It must be emphasised that the circumstances which prevent a sailor from competing will have to be compelling and absolute, and if appropriate, supported by such medical evidence as the SPRC may require.

The Optimist Dinghy Sailing Association of Ireland Ltd reserve the right to change the selection process and eligibility rules, however once the first race is completed, this can only be done by the SPRC.

Unfortunately a number of international events have been cancelled. Whilst IODAI will award “team selection” based on criteria below, realistically participation in international events remains very uncertain. For clarification no invitations will be made during Nationals 2020 for any international events.

While the IODA Europeans are currently open and IODAI have reserved an entry, no decision can be made at this time and no decision will be made prior to the 21st of August 2020. If it is appropriate, places for this event will be filled in accordance with the events rules (including gender rules) and a top down invitation from Nationals results (not “team selection” above).

Ranking for 2020, which will form the basis of Trials 2021 will be communicated at a later date.


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