Baltimore deadline extended

The deadline for entry for Baltimore Spring Training Week has been extended to 10pm Friday the 19th January.

This year sees the beginning of a revamping of the Baltimore Spring Camp with the goal of making it the premier Optimist training event in the Irish sailing calendar. A feature of this plan sees IODAI investing in enhancing the quality of the training at all levels. More structured training programmes will ensure that a higher level of skills will be acquired by all sailors. Performance sailors will benefit from more focused coaching, while an increased number of senior coaches will ensure that all sailors benefit from the expertise they bring.  Main features include:

  • Structured coaching programmes at all levels
  • Increased numbers of senior/ international coaches
  • Lower sailor: coach ratios for performance sailors
  • Daily large start-line practice
  • Greater use of video analysis & debriefs
  • A commitment to continually develop the programme over the next few years

The sailors will benefit greatly from this targeted approach.

Baltimore week has always been renowned for the friendships that are made, and with a great social programme planned, this year will be no different.

Don’t miss out and make sure to sign up today.


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Annual Membership


Annual Membership for 2025 is now open at €75 per sailor.  Click account page to join or renew.