Baltimore Optimist Ladies Lunch


Baltimore Optimist Ladies Lunch at THE GLEBE GARDENS on Wednesday 14th February.  Book early and look forward to a delicious three-course meal in the fabulous Glebe Gardens, Baltimore.

Limited availability, so please reserve your place. To reserve your place, please email your name and mobile number to

[email protected]

To secure your reservation, full payment will be taken in Baltimore at registration on Saturday pm /Sunday am.

The lunch takes place in the fabulous Glebe Gardens, Baltimore, West Cork.

2015 Irish Times Winner of Best Café/Teashop in Ireland



Set 3 course menu €35



West  Cork tasting platter – Gubbeen cured meats, Sally Barnes smoked mackerel, local cheeses garden pestos, salads and pickles.  Served with home baked breads and crackers




A spring garden salad of roots, herbs and leaves with marinated Macroom mozzarella and parsnip crisps


Creamy crab and tomato tart with a fennel and orange salad, greens and a sweet chili jam


The Baltimore Burger – Walsh’s finest beef mixed with herbs and spices to make the juiciest burger, topped with cheddar cheese cucumber pickle and homemade sweet chilli jam, served with roast potatoes and a garden salad



A plate of home-made sweet things!





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Annual Membership


Annual Membership for 2025 is now open at €75 per sailor.  Click account page to join or renew.