Details of press launch for 2014 Optimist Nationals


Preparations for the CH Marine Irish Optimist National and Open
Championships 2014 are well underway and the team at the Royal Cork Yacht
Club are making plans for this exciting event due to be held in the Harbour
in August. The sailing grounds in Cork Harbour offer a fantastic variety of
sailing conditions.

At the launch of the event Pat Lyons, Admiral welcomed the announcement and
commented that “the Royal Cork Yacht Club has a long tradition of hosting
large sailing events and will be delighted to welcome the Optimist sailors
to our Club. We are sure they will enjoy our facilities, our hospitality and
top class race management”.

Rob Foster, Optimist Class Captain commented that without a strong team of
volunteers and sponsorship that we could not host such an event. He thanked
CH Marine for their generous support. He also asked that all participants
support the sponsors before, during and after the event.

Nick Bendon, Managing Director of CH Marine stated they were delighted to be
associated with an event run by the Royal Cork Yacht Club and it’s very
large Optimist Class.

There will be a 4 day racing programme running from Thursday to Sunday (14th
-17th August 2014). As with all IODAI events fleets will include Regatta,
Junior and Senior.

The Royal Cork Yacht Club is keen to welcome not only Irish but
international visitors and already has interest expressed by sailors from as
far away as Monaco.

Entry details will be advised in due course and further information will be
made available through our dedicated website and
any queries can be directed to [email protected].


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Annual Membership for 2025 is now open at €75 per sailor.  Click account page to join or renew.