Final Rankings 2015
Here are the final rankings for 2015:
To qualify for Trials, you must have raced in the Nationals and at least 2 Regionals, and be ranked:
- Senior Fleet: Top 40 (and ties) after taking out compulsory retirements due to age.
- Junior Fleet: Top 45 (and ties)
Below is a short Q & A on rankings (and the recent change)
Q. I heard the rankings procedure has changed – what has changed?
A: Nothing has changed in the ranking procedure. We take a sailors nationals place and add it to their places in their two best regionals and that is the number of points for the ranking. That’s the way it was done last year, the year before that, the year before that, and so on…, and it’s the way we are doing it this year.
Q: But I heard something changed – so what changed?
A: Well, this year was unusual in that both the IDT and World Teams were forced to miss a regional because they were representing Ireland as a member of a National Team. In years past when this happened, the sailors were given a “3000” for the missed regional (which is the score we give everyone if they miss a regional). But this year, the IODAI Committee had a request from a parent saying that this way unfair to the team sailors. So this year (and in future years), we have decided to, essentially, grant redress to team sailors, and are awarding them averaging placing for the missed regional. By average placing, we mean we average a sailor’s placing in their other 4 events of the year (the nationals and other 3 regionals). So, rather than getting a “3000” in the missed regional, the sailor will get something lower (e.g., if they had placings of 2, 4, 6 in the regionals and 6 in the nationals, we’d give them a “4.5” in the missed regional, because it’s the average of the 4 numbers).
Q: Why do you use average placings in the other 4 events – why not use their Nationals placing? Or the average of their best 2 regionals placing? Or give them a 1st? Or use their trials ranking?
A: We use the average placing in the other 4 events, because there is a redress code which does just that in the ISAF Racing Rules of Sailing – awards a sailor average placing. We use a similar logic when we break ties (applying the ISAF RRS Appendix A Section 8 – for those masochists who want to know more)).
Q: How will this change the rankings?
A: Pretty much not at all. In some rare cases, it may move a sailor up/down a place (or perhaps a few places). But in most cases, the average regional place will not be one of the sailors best two regionals. For example, in the earlier example, the average placing of 4.5 was not better than their two best regionals (which were a 2nd and a 4th) – so the 4.5 is a “drop” anyway. The old system would have given the sailor a “3000” (and it would have been a “drop”) and the new system awards them a “4.5” (and it’s still a drop, in this case). It won’t always be a drop, though, it is possible that the average regional will become one of the sailor’s top 2 regionals, and in that case, the sailor may end up being ranked (slightly) higher.
Q: My team sailor missed another regionals, in addition to the regional missed due to team membership. That means my sailor is going have a “3000” as one of their scores averaged into the average regional place. Is my sailor going to plummet down the rankings as a result?
A:. No. No. No. Nothing has changed for you. Under the old system your sailor would have a “3000” for the missed (due to team membership) event. And now your sailor will be awarded something better than “3000” – like if the nationals placing was 5th and two regionals which were attended were 3rd and 4th. Then the average placing would be (5+3+4+3000) = 753. So your placings are 5,3,4,3000,753 – and we pick your two best regionals (3rd & 4th) and nationals (5th) and you end up on 12 points – just like you would have in previous years.
Q:. If it’s not going to change the ranking much, why do it?
A: It is fairer to grant automatic redress to sailors who are forced to miss a regional due to membership on a National team. The reason it doesn’t change things much is that the rankings only require you to attend two regionals and the nationals, and that hasn’t changed.
Q. Does this apply to me?
Wow. Really? – you’re still reading the Q&A? – good for you! This small change only applies to you if you represented Ireland in the current year on a Worlds / Europeans or IDT teams and you missed a regional due to that membership. It does not apply to any other sailor.