Happy Christmas and an Optimist New Year!

Happy Christmas to all the Irish Optimist sailors & parents and to all the families that visited Ireland in 2017 to sail with us. 

We in IODAI are looking forward to 2018 and have a full calendar of events scheduled around the country for you to participate in.  First up is the Spring Training Week in Baltimore in February.  Registration is open now and early signup is recommended! 

Best wishes to the sailors who have graduated from Optimists in 2017 on to other classes.  You will be missed. We hope that you will always look back on your “Oppie days” fondly and remember with a smile where it all started for you!

We hope all our sailors and families enjoy the Christmas festivities and we are looking forward to seeing you in the New Year.



IODAI Committee


Our Sponsors


Annual Membership


Annual Membership for 2025 is now open at €75 per sailor.  Click account page to join or renew.