Invite for Irish team to attend UAE regatta

IODAI has received an invite for a team of five sailors to attend the Abu Dhabi Open Regatta (14th to 19th October). The event consists of three days of a training clinic and a two day regatta. The organisers will cover the costs of accommodation (half board), event entry, Oppie charter, rib charter and fuel. It is a light wind event with winds of 5 to 8 kts expected and daytime temperatures are likely to be in the mid 30s. IODAI are seeking applications from our Junior fleet sailors with selection being made based on final 2019 rankings (a gender 3/2 mix is being targeted). Costs to be paid will include flights for sailors/coach/team leader and coach costs for the week. If you are interested please apply to [email protected] by 10pm Thursday.


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