New IODAI Squad and Training Proposal

IODAI are delighted to announce that we are considering launching two squads for our Optimist Sailors in the coming sailing season. 

  • Irish Girls Optimist Development Squad (I GODS)
  • Open to all main fleet sailing girls IGODS


  • Main Fleet Development Squad (MFDS)
  • Open to all girls and boys that plan to go into Main Fleet in 2018 or who did just one main fleet event in 2017.

The squad programme will involve development coaching for the participating sailors over a number of weekends at Irish Sailing Clubs.  Initially we are seeking to find out what level of interest there is from the sailing community for our two programmes.

If your sailor is interested in being part of either of the Squads please can you email [email protected] with the following details:

  • Squad of Interest
  • Sailor Name
  • Year of Birth
  • Club
  • Contact email & telephone number


**Closing date for registration of interest is Friday 30th March, 2018**


Squad Champion

If you as a parent would like to champion one of the squads please can you email your interest to [email protected]


Eligibility Criteria

Eligibility and criteria for selection for squads will be determined once we have an indication of the level of interest by sailors.  The sailor, coach ratio will be kept low in the programme. The Squad programme will be subsidised but sailors will be required to pay a fee for participation.



Our Sponsors


Annual Membership


Annual Membership for 2025 is now open at €75 per sailor.  Click account page to join or renew.