FAQs for Beginners and New IODAI Parents

Note: All new sailors should first become a member of IODAI.  Follow the instructions on the NEWS page – see “How to set up a family account & how to pay annual membership”

Welcome to IODAI’s all-new Information pages.  These pages are in the form of FAQ’s and split into three sections:

  1. A beginners guide for parents and sailors who are thinking about taking up Optimist Sailing and want to know some of the basics e.g. where are Optimists sailed; advice on buying a boat; what is the Regatta Fleet: how to get more involved
  2. New parents and sailors: For parents and sailors who have recently joined the Irish Optimist Circuit.  This section aims to answer all the questions you’ve have plus recent IODAI decisions are added as they become relevant.
  3. Regatta Fleet Information: Our policy statement with regard to the Regatta Fleet is updated annually and now sees the incorporation of the Racing Regatta Fleet as part of our events. Please refer to the statement if you intend to have a child sail in the Regatta Fleet.

Note:  The Information contained in these pages is specifically for those taking up Optimist sailing and those in the early stages.  News of events, results and current class information are usually contained within our website, and on the news page.

If you can’t find the answer to any questions you have about the Optimist Class please e-mail our honorary secretary on [email protected] who will be only too willing to help.  Alternatively why not ask a committee member.  All are approachable and if you don’t know who they are, see the current committee listing here.

A beginner’s guide

New parents and sailors


Our Sponsors


Annual Membership


Annual Membership for 2025 is now open at €75 per sailor.  Click account page to join or renew.