Next Stop Baltimore…so be prepared!

Baltimore Spring Training week is just 3 weeks away. You have only 2 weekends left to dust off the boats after the winter break and check they are ready for the start of another great year of Optimist sailing.  Please think ahead and check your gear over the next couple of weekends.

Safety Check List

Below please see the IODAI safety check list which details the minimum safety requirements for attending IODAI events. Please review the check list and make sure your sailors boat and gear comply with the attached before you go to Baltimore.


Optimist Trolley

Please make sure you check your optimist trolley before traveling.  Each year at Baltimore we have a few trollies with punctures, wheels falling off, no safety handle etc.  If your trolley is not in working order you will not be allowed to launch.


Sailors Gear

Make sure everything is labeled with your sailors name on it. Make sure they have clothes appropriate for sailing at this time of the year i.e. dry suits, gloves, glove liners, hats etc..


CH Marine

CH Marine will be on site with a chandlery and supplies available to purchase.


Safety is our number one priority

Sailors will not be allowed launch without a working trolley, appropriate sailing clothes, all their safety gear and a smile!



Sailors who wish to participate in Events run by IODAI are required to comply with the following MINIMUM safety requirements. It is a matter for the parent/guardian of a sailor to ensure that these requirements are complied with. Safety checks may be carried out at an Event and Sailors found not to comply may not be permitted to launch, or may be penalised on the water under class rules.

Every sailor should obtain a positive safety check from their parent/ guardian on each day of sailing prior to launching. The safety check should include the following:

1.     Buoyancy tanks must be the correct size (45 +/- 5 litres), in good condition and fully inflated

2.     A painter of a single piece of buoyant rope, not less than 5mm diameter and not less than 8m long securely fastened to the base of the mast or mast step. The painter should have a bowline at the end and no other knots between the mast step and its end.

3.     Mast must be securely tied in

  1. Two suitable bailers must be provided and securely tied in
  2. The strop (below boom) must be tightened sufficiently so that the gap between Strop and Boom is less than 10 cm
  3. A snap shackle or similar device, which cannot get caught on the sailors clothing or life jacket, must be used to connect the mainsheet block to the strop. A simple carbine is not permitted
  4. Toe straps must be adequately secured
  5. Dagger board must be securely tied in
  6. Paddle must be provided and securely tied in
  7. Life jacket must be worn and fully secured.
  8. Dry suit, if worn, must be in good condition and zip fully closed
  9. Sailors must have a whistle securly attached to lifejacket.
  10. Sun protection is necessary in sunny weather. Parents/guardians must note that the sun is much stronger on the water because of reflection etc
  11. Bootees with open lacing or similar closures that can get caught on fittings etc are not permitted.


Our Sponsors


Annual Membership


Annual Membership for 2025 is now open at €75 per sailor.  Click account page to join or renew.