Our Sponsors
Annual Membership
Annual Membership for 2025 is now open at €75 per sailor. Click account page to join or renew.
IODAI’s principal objectives are:
The ultimate measure of the Association’s success is how many of our sailors remain in the sport over their lifetime. ‘Oppie’ sailing is a part of a longer journey – no part of it, regardless of titles won or fame achieved, is the destination.
The Association has been incorporated as a company limited by guarantee. The three primary bodies of people overseeing its operations are the Members, the Board/Advisory Council and the General Committee. Ultimately, the Board/Advisory Council and General Committee are both answerable to the Members. Each sailor/member, through their parents, is entitled to attend AGMs and vote on company matters.
Three principal documents govern what the association does and how it is run. These are, the Constitution, the Risk Register and the Administration Handbook, all of which will be on the website.
The Constitution
The Constitution is the formal document that sets out the rules governing the company/Association. It is here that the principal objectives are set out. The document also outlines the rights and obligations of the Members, Directors and General Committee and defines the relationship between them. The Constitution is rarely amended and can only be done so by Members at an Annual General Meetings or an Extraordinary General Meeting.
The Risk Register
The Risk Register documents the assessment of risks that the Association is exposed to and outlines the steps that have been taken to manage/mitigate those risks. The exercise will be carried out by the General Committee and will be updated as required. A full review of it must be carried out at least every two years. The Board must review and approve it. The Risk Register will help in formulating key policies.
The Administration Handbook
The Administration Handbook will set out the Association’s key processes and procedures. No part of it can override the requirements or intentions of the Constitution. The document will be maintained by the General Committee and will be updated as decisions are made by the them.
All three documents must be available to Members and should be published on the Association’s website.
The Association must have three directors, at least two of which must not have any children involved in the class. These two directors must have children who, having previously sailed in the class, are now actively sailing in other classes. At least two of the Directors should have had prior experience of participating on IODAI’s executive committee. Apart from the duties imposed on the directors under relevant legislation and company law, the directors have specific duties to the association to:
The Directors through their wider experience of junior sailing are most likely better placed to see the ‘big picture’ and may, through their exposure of other fleets, be able provide useful contacts with other class associations.
At least one of the Directors must have prior experience of acting as a finance, risk or compliance director of a significant commercial enterprise.
The General Committee forms the operational backbone of the class. Its primary task is to deliver the annual schedule of activities to members. These activities listed below:
Core annual tasks
Administration Tasks
To effectively deliver the core annual activity schedule as listed above, the following support tasks/activities must be carried out:
The following are the core roles required on the General Committee;
The current list of General Committee members can be found here
The Committee must recognise the limitations of volunteer resources. Care should be taken not to over commit the team by adding additional events, training events etc to the annual schedule of activity.
Support Roles
The General Committee may from time to time appoint people to non committee support roles. These roles are non decision making roles but assist with the orderly administration of the association’s operations. Examples of such roles may include: