Optigames test event and Euromed 2017

16299362_10208157704009004_4845999568409518199_nDinghyPerformance (Thomas Chaix) is offering support to sailors wishing to compete at one or two international events as part of their Autumn training/racing program.

The Optigames test event is a key event on this side of Halloween with already over 60 sailors from 10 countries entered. The event is a test run before the Europeans 2018 organised by the Dutch optimist association and surely a very good one to attend for European team 2018 hopefuls. Thomas offers a ratio of 1 to 6 first come first served to support a team at a venue he raced the 470 worlds a while back. Fact sheet with logistics attached.

The Euromed is now well known to Irish optimist sailors. The former ISA squad recognised the event as a ideal mid winter warm weather event to validate lessons learnt in the Autumn. Last year, Thomas took a private group and once more in 2017, the event is on offer. The ratio of 1 to 6 first come first served will be applied.  In the event of a large interest, Thomas will look into booking a second international coach and bring the group to 12 units. Full fact sheet with logistics attached.

As soon as the correct number of participants (6) confirmed Thomas will make all the necessary bookings.




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