Regatta Fleet for the Nationals 2012

The Regatta Fleet 2012 head coach is Cian O’Regan (KYC) and assistant coach Conor Hopkins (HYC). The IODAI coordinator is Amanda O’Connell.

Our Regatta Fleet Sailors have had a good year’s sailing, with good racing in both regionals so far, and a very successful Crosbie Cup.

For those sailors new to the regatta fleet the format is roughly half coaching and half racing. It’s aim is to allow sailors improve their sailing, have fun, meet new friends, and gain confidence and experience in racing.

Those sailors who are becoming serious about their racing and wish to gain a national ranking should be entered in main fleet.

Results are in the results section on the website and also under the link for results on the right hand side.

Late entries are not allowed for the Regatta Fleet, as a strict coach to sailor ratio must be maintained.


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Annual Membership for 2025 is now open at €75 per sailor.  Click account page to join or renew.