Safeguarding 1 – Child Welfare & Protection Basic Awareness Course

This Saturday while we have a lot of parents and coaches in the one place, we are running a Safeguarding 1 – Child Welfare & Protection Basic Awareness Course.

This is a mandatory course for any person working or volunteering with children in any capacity.  A must for anyone working with children!

This course educates participants on the implementation of best practice in protecting the welfare of children involved in sport. 

If you are a Sailing Coach or Team Assistant for IODAI International Teams 2018, we encourage you to complete this course.

If you are an IODAI Committee member, a Junior Committee member or Junior Section parent assisting with the organisation and safety of junior programmes in your club, we encourage you to complete this course.

The course tutor is Johanne Murphy from Irish Sailing who has considerable experience in this area. Course notes and certification will be provided.

All Welcome!



Irish Sailing Youth Pathways National Championships and IODAI Optimist                                     Trials, Club Room in Royal St George Yacht Club

  • Date:             Saturday 7th April 2018
  • Time:             18.00 to 21.00 hrs
  • Trainer:         Johanne Murphy
  • Cost:              €15.00


To register just email your name to   [email protected]



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