Trials prizes and Prize giving

There have been a number of queries regarding the recent prize giving at the trials, relating to prizes and to the prize giving and the changes from previous years. These changes were put in place on the basis of feedback from previous years namely:

·         Prior prize giving’s being rushed/delayed due to the admin associated with awarding team places.
·         There should be more focus on representing the team and the country well in events to bring balance to the achievement. In addition to this a greater emphasis on behaviours required to represent the sailor and the team as best possible.
·         Ensure the formalities associated with awarding team places (including briefing on the code of conduct) would be as streamlined as possible to avoid delaying the full prize giving.
·         Cost of Prizes.
Presentation of team gear will be done as normal at The Connaughts in Foynes on Saturday 11th  June 2016 and a  Team Photograph taken.

All queries raised regarding the recent prize giving and trials are on the Agenda for discussion at the next IODAI meeting at the Leinster’s on the 15th May 2016.


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