Upgrades to Gold and Silver following GBSC Connaughts 2024

Upgrades to Gold and Silver following GBSC Connaughts 2024

The following sailors have been upgraded to Gold and Silver following GBSC Connaughts 2024. Congratulations to all.

Seniors (Bronze to Silver)
Amy Shelley, 3rd SU24, 3rd SC24
Michael Hanley, 3rd JC23, 1st JC24

Seniors (Silver to Gold)
Donnchadh Duane, 3rd SM24, 5thSC24

Juniors (Bronze to Silver)
Aisling Cronin, 5thJC23, 5thJC24
Louis Trickett, 4th JU24, 3rd JC24
Ava Molloy, 3rd JU24, 1st SM24

Juniors (Silver to Gold)
Oliver Ryan, 1st JU24, 2nd JC24


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