Regatta Fleet News


Well done to the 41 regatta & pre regatta fleet sailors who participated all week in the first IODAI training clinic of 2011. The coaches for the regatta and pre regatta were – Katie Malcolm (Head instructor), Diane Kissane , Mark Boylan, George Kingston, David Kenefick, Conor Hopkins and Colm O’Regan.

The sailors managed to get on the water everyday even though conditions ranged from flat calm to heavy winds. Baltimore was an ideal location for the younger sailors as there are lots of sheltered inlets into which the groups can move if conditions are too heavy in the main bay. On windy days some sailors chose to reef their sail which still enabled them to get on the water but without feeling overpowered. At times on the advice of the instructors in some groups 2 boats were used and the instructors swapped sailors in an out for 10-15 mins periods. This helps younger more nervous children to get close individual attention for short periods of time and on windy days children benefit from this approach.

We had 6 different groups ranging from complete beginners to those who have already completed level 1. The regatta fleet is an area where sailors can build their confidence over the year and improve their basic skill. Children are encouraged to stay in the regatta fleet as long as necessary to build their confidence before joining the main fleet for racing.

Medals were awarded to all participants and a small range of token prizes.

Jill Sommerville

Regatta Fleet Coordinator

Regatta Fleet Coaches & assistants in Baltimore.


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