Trials Forms to Download

Please download the Emergency Contact details form and the measurement declaration form and complete both in advance of registration. Please follow the instructions from the measurers Wednesday in HYC. Boats should be emptied of ropes / bailers / mast clamp / praddle in the dinghy park before presenting the boat for weighting.  You will then proceed to have the button on sail checked against your declaration form. You may leave your sail on the boom, simply have the button visible. Only after all the measurement steps have been completed and stamped by the measurers will you be able to register 5-8pm .


2016 Optimist Trials HYC[3]


The sailing instructions will be as per the Major SI’s used for all IODAI events attached below & supplementary SI’s will be available at registration IODAI major event instructions 2015




Our Sponsors


Annual Membership


Annual Membership for 2025 is now open at €75 per sailor.  Click account page to join or renew.