Baltimore Movie and Disco Nights

Baltimore Spring training week is less than 2 weeks away!   It promises to be a great week of fun for all the family.  There is lots happening including two great nights planned in Caseys for the sailors.
Movie Night
Every year the Baltimore Movie Night  is a big attraction for our sailors.  The movie night will take place in Casey’s on Tuesday night 7pm.  
Disco Night
A great way to have one last evening of fun with all the friends made during the week at Baltimore is the Disco night.  This year the disco night will take place in Caseys Hotel on the Thursday from 7pm to 9pm.
Make sure your sailors are guaranteed entry:
Sign up at registration on Saturday or Sunday
Please ensure that your sailors sign up, to ensure we are aware of the numbers coming.
The cost for each is €3 per head.
All enquiries to Ruth O’Neill

Our Sponsors


Annual Membership


Annual Membership for 2025 is now open at €75 per sailor.  Click account page to join or renew.