Final Rankings 2018

Here are the final rankings of 2018.

The following are the conditions to qualify for Trials:

  • Sailor must compete in the Nationals + (at least) 2 Regionals
  • Scoring is the sum of Nationals place + 2 best Regionals placing (excluding non-Irish sailors)
    • Ties are broken by applying ISAF RRS Appendix A Section 8 (which is the way we break ties in events). Specifically,
      • The first tie break is number of 1’s excluding drops, then number of 2’s excluding drops, etc… until the tie is broken.
      • If sailors remain tied, then the most recent event (including drops) is used.
    • A sailor is given a “3000” for a missed event
  • Senior Fleet: Top 45 (and ties) after taking out compulsory retirements due to age.
  • Junior Fleet: Top 45 (and ties)
  • Medical exemptions are considered on an individual basis and do not count towards the cap.
  • Sailors representing Ireland as a member of a national team will be given average placing in the other 4 events for an event missed due to national team competition.



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