Final Rankings 2019

This is the end of the 2019 sailing season. Congratulations to all sailors for their individual results. Here are the final rankings of 2019. 

The following are the conditions to qualify for Trials:

  • Sailor must compete in the Nationals + (at least) 2 Regionals
  • Scoring is the sum of Nationals place + 2 best Regionals placing (excluding non-Irish sailors)
    • Ties are broken by applying ISAF RRS Appendix A Section 8 (which is the way we break ties in events). Specifically,
      • The first tie break is number of 1’s excluding drops, then number of 2’s excluding drops, etc… until the tie is broken.
      • If sailors remain tied, then the most recent event (including drops) is used.
    • A sailor is given a “3000” for a missed event
  • Senior Fleet: Top 45 (and ties) after taking out compulsory retirements due to age.
  • Junior Fleet: Top 45 (and ties)
  • Medical exemptions are considered on an individual basis and do not count towards the cap.
  • Sailors representing Ireland as a member of a national team will be given average placing in the other 4 events for an event missed due to national team competition.



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