All Ireland Junior Championships 2022
IODAI Optimist Class have been offered 3 nominations, plus a wild card, to be put forward for the event, with thanks to Irish Sailing. Places will be offered, from our
All Ireland Junior Championships 2021
IODAI Optimist Class have been offered 3 nominations to be put forward for the event, with thanks to Irish Sailing. Please see Notice of Race for Eligibility to enter. As
For those who have just left Oppies, you might be interested in applying for the Topper squad, details can be found at:
Just over a year ago, Robert Dickson and Sean Waddilove made the decision to move from the Optimist to the 420 and decided to sail together. Robert was 13, Sean
This year’s Youth Nationals Topper champion, Nicole Hemeryck, began sailing in an Optimist, during summer courses in Waterford Harbour Sailing Club, and back home in the National Yacht Club. A

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Annual Membership for 2025 is now open at €75 per sailor.  Click account page to join or renew.